this is me

Guoqing (Robin) Wang

PhD candidate
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of New South Wales
UNSW Sydney,
NSW 2052 Australia

Phone: (+61) 411-527-363

Short Bio (CV)

I am currently a PhD candidate at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. My supervisors are Dr. Changming Sun and Prof. Arcot Sowmya. My research is supported by scholarships from UNSW and CSIRO Data61.

My research focuses on designing robust and efficient (data-efficient / resource-efficient) deep learning algorithms to solve computer vision and image processing problems in the wild.

I will graduate around August 2020, and I am looking for a postdoc position in computer vision and deep learning! If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to send me an email. Any help is appreciated!


Recent News

See More
  • [Jun 2019] I am invited as reviewer for IEEE T-IP and IJCV.

Awards & Honors